Q: It is inevitable the Anne Whiston Sprin's discussion of pets in the city will arouse strong feelings in you. Where do you stand? Should there be legal limits on animals in a urban setting? Should there be culls?
Reading: Two chapters from Anna Whiston Sprin's The Granite Garden
Where do I stand? Good question. Before we had this lecture this would have never of crossed my mind. My opinion would have been... Why would'nt people want pets in a city? and I'm not even a animal lover. I've had a dog as a pet since a young age and we live in the country but I've never really took much of an interest. However going back to the question another question I would put forward would be... Is it fair on the pet to live in urban city? Is it fair to have a dog thats kept in a flat all day while the owner works a 9 to 5 job? I think not.
Another point would be animals (pets) do; like green spaces improve peoples wellbeing the same way its therapy for people to garden. Others will have life long pets that keep them sane.
Therefore my final answer would be animals should not be banded for cities I personally feel that its totally unreasonable unless of cause the environment is completely unsuiable for the animal itself.
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