30 October 2009

The most Important Functions of Gardens!

Wow these questions are so broad! Ok so functions of a gardens..

I remember covering this briefly last year in Spatial Design Studies & Landscape Interpretation - so cheating a little I have got and my old notes to find some very valid points on the subject!

Starting with - surely different places around the world must have different views on this question, places like Philippines where in certain places every inch of the land is re shaped to enable the people to grow food to produce a living and survive! But then again can you call a crop a garden? I think so, its one place I would love to go! It’s defiantly an extraordinary landscape and landscape in a whole in some people’s eyes can be seen as a garden!

Other points I picked up from my previous notes were..

1. Wildlife
2. Environmental factors
3. Art
4. Sculpture
5. Feelings/Emotions
6. Food production - as discussed above.
7. Somewhere to retreat!
8. Sustainability
9. Land use
10. Inspiration
11. Entertainment

The list could quite obviously go on!

But to me, personally gardens are for people (the public or individuals) to enjoy! Somewhere is which children grow up and become adults.. for me my garden at home has always been a fun place whether it be helping my Dad build the various out buildings in our garden, playing badminton over a piece of string tied from the birch to 'Mum's Shed'. Having water fights with my sisters with water pumped from the well, or even feeding the chickens and then having them chase you for more food! Its only now that I realise that the garden was when I was younger, was there for having fun enjoying myself being in the open air and feeling free! Now however I see it in so many other ways.. I look at the plants.. Construction details.. The spatial design.. How I feel when I move through the spaces.. All things I been almost 'trained' to do at college, and I think it a way its almost a shame as I don’t tend to enjoy the space as much anymore.. But on the other hand I understand the space a lot more!

Me & My Cousins over the summer having FUN in the garden playing Rounders!

So my final answer would have to be.. ENJOYMENT - and in I way I want to say 'understanding'!

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