23 March 2010

Golden Lane Group Work

The Masterplan.
Just thorght I would upload the masterplan that we completed as a group for the Golden Lane project. We got there in the end and I was quite pleased with the outcome of the plan below.

6 March 2010

2000x200 Site Visit

The third project for the digital media module was titled 200 x 2000: A Transect, I choose to look at a old railway line close to my home, the railway used to go from Witham to Maldon in Essex, but i shortened it a little by just looking at the section between Witham to Wickham Bishops. The brief instructed us to look at a site defined as a corridor and should contain a mix of land uses and be monotonus in charater. We were to conduct a site inventory and townscape analysis of the corridor using photographs, sketches, and written observations and then produce various layers for the corridor.
The images below are taken from the site visit I took.

1 March 2010

Community Gardens

Our group powerpoint on Community Gardens out topic that we were given to research. Something that we all felt we wanted to invole in our Golden Lane Project.